Our weekly Refuge worship on Thursday nights is a great way to connect with people and learn; however, for those wanting to get more involved, we offer LEAD, Serve, and Connect discipleship tracks. Through these three tracks, we are able to invest in you while giving you the opportunity to serve and develop your leadership skills within a ministry area.
Lead is for those that want to influence BCM for years, even after you have graduated. Lead enables you to take the next steps in your relationship with God, while serving as a leader at BCM. It allows us to personally invest in you as you invest in others. Lead includes weekly leadership in your specific area of ministry, Lead prayer, & agreeing to the BCM Lead Covenant. Click here to read the Lead Covenant.
Lead is a 4-6 hour time commitment each week:
- Thursday night Refuge worship (1.5 hours)
- Lead prayer (1 hour--First and Third Thursdays at 6pm)
- Training (Periodical get together with a staff member for life and leadership direction)
- Ministry Area (1-2 hours, depending on area)
Three important things before applying:
- Look through the Lead ministry areas below
- Star Sign up by midnight Saturday April 3, 2021
- Complete the Enneagram personality assessment. The application will ask for your results!
Serve allows you to take your next steps in BCM without the increased time commitment of Lead. You'll meet new people in BCM and join a Serve Team. Check out the different Serve Teams below. Let us know on your application which are your top two teams of choice.
Serve is a 3 hour commitment each week:
- Thursday night Refuge worship (1.5 hours)
- Serve team ministry (1.5 hours)
Star Sign up by midnight Saturday April 3, 2021
Before signing up for LEAD or Serve, consider what area/group your gifts and passions would best serve.
Mission Statement and Vision
1-2 students. The work of this team is the most important work of any team. We are asking God for what is impossible for us, but completely doable for him. For students to experience God for the first time, forgiveness, strength in difficulty, emotional healing, missionaries called out, mass revival, and for the next generation of kingdom of God leaders to be raised up and sent out.
What does this team accomplish? Great question. They don't have to accomplish anything other than desire to see God move, ask for it, and lead BCM to follow suit. Then God accomplishes everything. The team will:
-lead the Serve Prayer Team
-learn to pray in the Spirit by discernment and listening
-organize 24 hour prayer rooms, nightly prayer, etc.
-give vision to times of fasting and prayer
-recruit students to pray during Thursday night worship
-help lead LEAD prayer
Roles and Responsibilities/Weekly Time Commitment: 3-5 hours
Thursday Worship Service (1.5 hour)
LEAD Prayer (1 hour)
Organizing and leading other prayer efforts (1.5 hour)
Mission Statement and Vision:
4 students. Freshmen LEADers will recruit, connect, and lead Freshmen Community Groups. Guys will lead the guy's group, and girls the girl's group. Build community that will change their lives forever. Freshmen leaders need to be Junior and Seniors.
Roles and Responsibilities/Weekly Time Commitment: 3-5 hours
Thursday Worship Service (1.5 hour)
LEAD Prayer (1 hour)
Co-lead Freshmen Groups (1.5 hour)
Connect with freshmen group members (1 hour)
Mission Statement and Vision:
2 students. This team will host 2 or 3 events per semester that will create community and fun momentum while bringing together students from all walks of life. Team members need to be highly creative and relational and ready to create some "fun", a core value of ours! This team of 2 won't have to pull it off themselves, they are simply the creative energy. You will recruit a team from within BCM to help with each event.
Roles and Responsibilities/Weekly Time Commitment: 3-4 hours
Thursday Worship Service (1.5 hour)
LEAD Prayer (1 hour)
Plan and organize BCM-wide events (once a month)
Mission Statement and Vision:
10 students. You will lead a serve team. We have 5 serve teams and we are looking for 2 people to lead each team. These 10 people make up the LEAD Serve Team. Check out the Serve Teams here. (Media is not a Lead role)
Roles and Responsibilities/Weekly Time Commitment: 3-5 hours
Thursday Worship Service (1.5 hour)
LEAD Prayer (1 hour)
Organize, community with, and lead your Serve Team (2 hours)
Mission Statement and Vision:
5 students. You will be leading upperclassmen same-gender community groups. We will have a guys group, girls group, and a graduate student group. Groups will meet weekly on a night of your choosing.
Roles and Responsibilities/Weekly Time Commitment: 3-5 hours
Thursday Worship Service (1.5 hour)
LEAD Prayer (1 hour)
Organize, community with, and lead your community group (2 hours)
Mission Statement and Vision:
6-8 students. Being a part of the lead area of worship gives students the opportunity to grow in an understanding of what it means to worship in spirit and in truth, and lead others to do the same. Our goal is to see musicians grow in musicality, character, and their relationship with the Lord. In addition to musicians, 2 students are needed to work with the sound/audio/visual elements.
Roles and Responsibilities/Weekly Time Commitment: 5-7 hours
Thursday Worship Service (2 hours)
LEAD Prayer (1 hour)
Practice (1.5 hours on Tuesday nights on weeks you play)
**Students interested in this ministry area must complete a try out and/or talk with current worship director**
Mission Statement and Vision:
This team exists to serve, encourage, and build relationships with younger students, students new to BCM, or any student seeking discipleship. You will meet weekly with 1 or 2 students one-on-one to catch up on life, pray, and talk through scripture. You give and receive. Jesus modeled to us that disciples are made in smaller groups, so we are following his example. We have seen our own lives transformed by relationships and have developed life-long friends in the process!
Roles and Responsibilities/Weekly Time Commitment: 3-4 hours:
Thursday Worship Service (1.5 hour)
LEAD Prayer (1 hour)
Discipleship with 1-2 students (1-2 hours)
There's one word that describes this team: Influence. This serve team of 7-10 people meets weekly for outreach on campus. Our first mission field is college students! We want to love students, serve them, and increase the presence of Jesus in their life. This team will work strategically and creatively to love and serve students on and off campus in Jesus' name. Hand out free popsicles on a hot day, giving out candy and other acts of kindness before common exams or offer free water. We take every opportunity to engage in acts of generosity that foster relationship and display genuine care and concern for the lives of others. We want to LOVE THE CAMPUS.
This team partners with Ripple of One in Seneca. Ripple of One's mission is to "empower families to move beyond public assistance and into their full God-given potential." Ripple mainly works with mom and kids/youth. This serve team will help in the Ripple Resale store, collect items for the store, help with special events, and assist with kids at The Well once a month on a Thursday night (yes, you'll miss Refuge worship once a month, but for an excellent reason!). There is also an opportunity to mentor a youth weekly, although it's optional.
This serve team is about relationships, making new friends, and learning culture. The team meets weekly, typically Wednesday evenings. There are 1460 international students at Clemson from 89 different countries. Leviticus 19:34 tells us, "You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God." We reach out to love the world that has come to us as we in turn learn so much from them!
This team meets on Fridays from 3-5pm at a nearby apartment complex to spend time with kids and youth. They also host seasonal get-togethers around holidays and breaks. Team size is 8-10 student, and we need both male and female. Our goal is befriending our neighbors for long term relationships that preserve the value and dignity of local residents. It is easy to see certain neighborhoods as social and economic weaknesses. We can choose to dwell on these weaknesses, or we can choose to see potential. We can choose to see marginalized individuals, or we can choose to see friends and neighbors. This team will take the posture of learners by working together to build friendships for the restoration, peace, & empowerment that Jesus brings to us all.
Prayer exists to help students nurture personal prayer and connection to God while learning about intercession and identity. The prayer team will meet weekly on Tuesday nights. Prayer is a ministry of students interceding on behalf of BCM, the campus, and Clemson. The goal is to learn about prayer, learn who we are, and what it means to persevere in prayer.
Media is a serve area for students with a passion for videography, video editing, graphic design, photography, or production. Students will work together on projects or on individual assignments that will be the creative arm of BCM and tell the BCM story. This team will gather every other week as a group to dream and plan.